11 Steps to Subconscious Vision Boarding

11 Steps to Subconscious Vision Boarding

Traditional vision boards are based in conscious thought and their purpose is to reprogram your subconscious with subliminal messaging. When you look at it like this it’s a little like clever advertising in a way… You buy it but in the end you’re left wondering if it’s what you really wanted. Continue reading 11 Steps to Subconscious Vision Boarding

The Night Owl vs The Morning Pussycat

The Night Owl vs The Morning Pussycat

Are night owls more creative? Personally I am a night owl; it’s a very creative time of day for me… I did a little research into this question and found a lot of evidence supporting the claim that we ARE more creative. However I know many morning people who would swear otherwise, so I guess it’s a personal thing which depends on your daily energy/concentration rhythms. Continue reading The Night Owl vs The Morning Pussycat