Creativity: The Work of the Possessed?

Creativity: The Work of the Possessed?

Eventually I could stand it no longer. I got up and jotted down all the thoughts in my head. No wordsmithing, just bullet points and words that I knew would trigger my memory later. After that, my mind was at peace and I was able to concentrate on my Yoga practice. Continue reading Creativity: The Work of the Possessed?

The Night Owl vs The Morning Pussycat

The Night Owl vs The Morning Pussycat

Are night owls more creative? Personally I am a night owl; it’s a very creative time of day for me… I did a little research into this question and found a lot of evidence supporting the claim that we ARE more creative. However I know many morning people who would swear otherwise, so I guess it’s a personal thing which depends on your daily energy/concentration rhythms. Continue reading The Night Owl vs The Morning Pussycat